Youth Formation and Ministry Books:
Called to Pray: Daily Prayers for Catholic Schools by Justin McClain (2018)
Catholic Mosaic: Living the Liturgical Year With Children by Cay Gibson (2006)
31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator by Jared Dees (2013)
DOCAT: The Social Teachings of the Catholic Church by YOUCAT Foundation (2016)
Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence: For Parents, Teachers, Catechists, and School Administrators by Gerard O’Shea (2018)
Engaging a New Generation: A Vision for Reaching Catholic Teens by Frank Mercadante (2012)
Enjoying God and Teaching Creatively: Insights and Ideas for More Effective Religion Classes by Greg Dues (1999)
Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Responding to the Church’s Obsession with Youthfulness (Ministry in a Secular Age) by Andrew Root (2017)
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ (Encountering Jesus) by Ave Maria Press (2015)
God Wears Running Shoes by Roy Petitfils (2009)
Growing Young: Shifting Church Culture to Reach a New Generation by Jacob Rodriguez (2020)
Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry: A Comprehensive Resource by Staff at Center for Ministry Development and Thomas East (2009)
More Than a Youth Group: Fostering Christocentric Community in Catholic Youth Ministry by Dean M. Aufiero (2018)
Networks for Faith Formation: Relational Bonds and the Spiritual Growth of Youth by Steven Emery-Wright and Ed Mackenzie (2017)
New Testament Foundations: Jesus and Discipleship (Year Two, Student Workbook) by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2008)
New Testament Foundations: Jesus and Discipleship (Year Two, Teacher Guidebook) by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2008)
Old and New Testaments Concluded: (Year Four, Student Workbook): The Word in the Hellenistic World (Catholic Biblical School) by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2010)
Old and New Testaments Concluded: (Year Four, Teacher Guidebook): The Word in the Hellenistic World (Catholic Biblical School Program) by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2010)
Old Testament Continued: Year Three: Exile and Restoration, Teacher Guidebook by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2009)
Old Testament Continued: Exile and Restoration (Year Three Student Workbook by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2009)
Old Testament Foundations: (Year One, Teacher Guidebook): Genesis through Kings (Catholic Biblical School Program) by Brian Schmisek, Angelo G. Giuliano, Dorothy Jonaitis, Judith A. Hubert (2007)
Practical Aids for Catholic Teachers: A Handbook of Material and Teaching Devices for Use in the Lower Grades of Parochial Schools by Sister Mary Aurelia and Rev. Felix M. Kirsch (2018)
Rebuilding Confirmation: Because We Need More Than Another Graduation (Rebuilt Parish Book) by Christopher Wesley (2017)
Rebuilding Youth Ministry: Ten Practical Strategies for Catholic Parishes by Christopher Wesley (2015)
Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry by G. Patrick Ziemann (1997)
Room 24: Adventures of a New Evangelist by Katie Prejean McGrady (2016)
Roots: Catholic Youth Evangelization in a Post-Pandemic World (Global Perspectives on the New Evangelization) by John C. Cavadini and Donald Wallenfang (2022)
Safe Fasting for Teens by Jim Auer (2008)
Searching for Faith: Prayer Experiences for Teen Assemblies and Retreats by Greg Dues (1997)
Seasonal Prayer Services for Teenagers by Greg Dues (1991)
Send Out Your Spirit Candidate Book: Preparing Teens for Confirmation (Leader’s Manual) by Michael Amodei (2010)
Sharing the Gospel with Our Lives: A Relational Approach to Catholic Youth Ministry by Bob Rice (2024)
Teaching Faith with Harry Potter: A Guidebook for Parents and Educators for Multigenerational Faith Formation by Patricia M. Lyons (2017)
The Art of Forming Young Disciples: Why Youth Ministries Aren’t Working and What to Do About It by Everett Fritz (2018)
The Big Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions: For Children’s Faith Formation by Anne E. Neuberger (2003)
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in a Parish Setting, Revised Edition by Tina Lillig (2018)
The End of Youth Ministry? (Theology for the Life of the World): Why Parents Don’t Really Care about Youth Groups and What Youth Workers Should Do about It by Andrew Root (2020)
The Eucharist Catechist Guide by Diana Macalintal (2009)
The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry: Fundamentals, Theory, and Practice by Robert J. McCarty (2005)
To Do Justice to Love Mercy: An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching by Christina Dehan Jaloway and Emily Stimpson Chapman (2021)
What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life’s Big Decisions by Leonard J. DeLorenzo (2018)
What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You) by Roy Petitfils (2015)
Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults Out of, and Gone from the Church by Christian Smith, Kyle Longest, Jonathan Hill and Kari Christoffersen (2014)
Your Life in Christ: Foundations in Catholic Morality (Encountering Jesus) by Ave Maria Press (2019)