“If someone among you hears Christ’s call to a complete gift of self in the religious life, do not reject such a noble, though demanding, proposal. Have the courage to say yes generously and firmly; this can give an incomparable depth of meaning to your whole life.” -Saint John Paul The Great
YouTube Channels:
- Ascension Presents
- Ave Maria Press
- Breaking the Habit
- deaconsforlife
- Franciscan Missionary Sisters
- Hamilton Vocations
- National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations
- Priests for Life
- Sacred Heart of Jesus Convent – Pro Ecclesia Sancta
- Sensus Fidelium
- The Thomistic Institute
- Upon Friar Review
- VISION Vocation Guide
- Vocations Outreach: Religious Life & Discernment
Religious Life: Sisterhood, Brotherhood, & Priesthood
Video: A Day in the Life of a Seminarian (St. John Vianney College Seminary Miami, FL, 2019)
Video: A Ministry of Service: Diaconate – Catholic Focus (Salt and Light Media, 2012)
Video: A Monk’s Life: Living a life of contemplation (Savannah Pratt, 2016)
Video: A tough nun to crack: Catholic nun is Signapore’s first taekwondo world champion (The Straits Times, 2022)
Video: A Week in the Life of a Priest (Xt3dotcom, 2011)
Video: A Year in the Seminary (Beatific Films, 2017)
Video: Becoming a Deacon (OPWest, 2017)
Video(s): Behind the Veil #1 (Vocation Ministry)
Video: Benedictine Monks, Ireland – Documentary (KnigaMs, 2018)
Video: Capuchin Franciscan Novitiate: A Day in the Life (Midwest Capuchin Franciscan Vocation Office, 2016)
Video: Catholic Deacons (Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, 2016)
Video: Convent Tour with the Sisters (St. Michael the Archangel Parish, 2020)
Video: Day in the Life of a Monk (Christ the King Priory Schuyler, NE, 2016)
Video: Discerning God’s Plan For Your Life (Ascension Presents, 2015)
Video: From Atheism to the Priesthood (RCapostolicworks, 2011)
Video: From Pro Soccer to the Priesthood: The Witness of Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck (Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, 2016)
Video: God is the Bigger Elvis: Mother Dolores Hart’s Journey from Hollywood to Cloistered Nun (NewmanUofT, 2019)
Video: Hidden: A Life All for God (The CatholicTV Network, 2018)
Video: Is God calling you to be a Franciscan Friar? (BeAFranciscan, 2016)
Video: Life at the Seminary – St. Augustine’s, Toronto (Office of Vocations, 2021)
Video: Light of Love (Imagine Sisters, 2013)
Video: My Vocation Story (Sacred Heart Day Nursery, 2020)
Video: My Vocation Story: From Pilot to Priest (jschnurrr, 2016)
Video: Présence à Dieu (KnigaMs, 2018)
Video: Quaerere Deum – Documentary at the Monastery of St. Benedict, Italy (Peter Hayden – Wilderland Media, 2017)
Video: SCHOOL OF LOVE – RTE – Would You Believe (GlencairnAbbey, 2016)
Video: The Beauty of Nuns – Inside a Monastery (Forward Into Beauty, 2020)
Video: The Call – A short video on Catholic Priesthood (OC Vocations, 2014)
Video: The Journey Toward Catholic Priesthood (McAfee Studios, 2019)
Video: Three Wis. Brothers, Three Priests (Associated Press, 2012)
Video: Top Ten Friar Questions (Breaking In The Habit, 2015)
Video: Vocations Series: Catholic Deacons – Part 1 (VillagersMediaTV, 2013)
Video: What’s My Vocation? (Ascension Presence, 2015)
Video: Why Do Young Women Choose To Become Nuns? (Journeyman Pictures, 2016)