For Priests and Deacons:
A Concise Guide to Canon Law: A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministers by Kevin E. McKenna and Aldean B. Hendrickson (2023)
A Confessor’s Handbook: Revised and Expanded Edition by Kurt Stasiak OSB (2010)
A Deacon Prays: Prayers and Devotions for Liturgy and Life by Deacon Greg Kandra (2021)
A Deacon’s Retreat by Deacon James Keating (2010)
A Pastor’s Toolbox: Management Skills for Parish Leadership by Paul A. Holmes (2014)
A Pastor’s Toolbox 2: More Management Skills for Parish Leadership by Paul A. Holmes (2017)
A Pastoral Response to Mental Illness: Resources for the Catholic Community by National Catholic Partnership on Disability (2021)
A Pocket Guide to Pastoral Spanish by Ida Iris Miranda (2006)
A Priest Forever: Nine Signs of Renewal and Hope by Alfred McBride (2010)
A Primer of Pastoral Spanish by Michael J. McGrath (2022)
A True and Mature Obedience: Seminary Formation and Freedom by James Keating (2021)
Ablaze: 5 Essential Paradigm Shifts for Parish Renewal by Deacon Keith Stroham (2019)
Alcoholism: A Source Book for the Priest by Roman Catholic Books (1995)
Alleluia to Amen: The Prayer Book for Catholic Parishes by Justin McClain (2020)
Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy by Christian Cochini (1990)
Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life (Engaging Catholicism) by Timothy P. O’Malley (2022)
Being Claimed by the Eucharist We Celebrated: A Spiritual Narrative for Priests and Deacons by Scott P. Detisch (2022)
Believe What You Read: Timeless Homilies for Deacons: Liturgical Cycle C by Deacon Michael E. Bulson (2006)
Best Practices in Catholic Church Ministry Performance Management by Charles Zech (2010)
Best Practices in Parish Stewardship by Charles Zech (2008)
Best Practices of Catholic Pastoral and Finance Councils by Charles Zech (2010)
Catholic Parishes of the 21st Century by Charles E. Zech, Mary L. Gautier, Mark M. Gray, Jonathon L. Wiggins, and Thomas P. Gaunt (2017)
Ceremonial for Priests by Msgr. Marc B. Caron (2023)
Christ, the Ideal of the Priest by Fr. Columba Marmion (2005)
Common Sense for Priests by Geraldine Hertz and James Perling
Community of Missionary Disciples: The Continuing Creation of the Church (American Society of Missiology Series) by Stephen Bevans (2024)
Creativity in Church Management: Entrepreneurship for a 21st-Century Parish by Charles E. Zech (2022)
Dignity And Duties Of The Priest by St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori (2011)
Dignity And Duties Of the Priest (The Aesthetical Works) (Volume 12) by St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori (2015)
Divine Renovation Apprentice: Learning to Lead a Disciple-Making Parish by Fr. Simon Lobo (2018)
Divine Renovation Beyond the Parish by Fr. James Mallon (2020)
Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission by Fr. James Mallon (2014)
Divine Renovation Group Reading Guide by Bill Huebsch (2015)
Divine Renovation Guidebook: A Step-by-Step Manual for Transforming Your Parish by Fr. James (2016)
Encounter Jesus!: Transforming Catholic Culture in Crisis by Peter M. Doane (2019)
Forty Weeks: A Journey of Healing and Transformation for Priests by Rev. William M. Watson and Bob Schuchts (2018)
From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age by University of Mary (2023)
From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah (2020)
Gift and Mystery: On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination by Pope John Paul II (1996)
Great Catholic Parishes: A Living Mosaic – How Four Essential Practices Make Them Thrive by William E. Simon Jr. (2016)
Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Third Edition by Michael Cameron and Corinna Laughlin (2021)
Guide for Lectors and Readers, Second Edition by Michael Cameron and Corinna Laughlin (2021)
Guide for Sacristans, Third Edition by Corinna Laughlin and Paul Turner (2021)
Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests: A Letter from the Bishops of the United States to Priests by Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations (2023)
Hearers and Doers: A Pastor’s Guide to Making Disciples Through Scripture and Doctrine by Kevin J. Vanhoozer (2019)
How to Restore Health & Growth to Your Parish: A Priest, Deacon, and Lay Leader’s Guide to Reaching the Average Catholic in the Pew by Joe Sixpack by The Every Catholic Guy (2020)
How to Serve Low Mass & Benediction by Rev. William A. O’Brien (2006)
Invitation and Encounter: Evangelizing Through the Sacraments by Timothy P. O’Malley (2022)
Letters to My Brothers: Words of Hope and Challenge for Priests by Stephen Joseph Rossetti (2013)
Liturgy and the New Evangelization: Practicing the Art of Self-Giving Love by Timothy P. O’Malley (2014)
Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture by Glemkowski (2019)
Mariology: A Guide to Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Consecrated Person by Dr. Mark Miravalle (2007)
Men of Brave Heart: The Virtue of Courage in the Priestly Life by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez (2009)
Ministry Between Miracles: A Biblical Model of Spirit-led Pastoral Care by Thomson Mathew (2020)
Moral Formation in the Parish: With Your Whole Heart Turn to God by Anthony J. Ciorra and James Keating (1998)
Navigating Personal Transitions: A Priest’s Guide by Graziano Marcheschi (2013)
Nine Steps to Becoming a Better Lector by Nick Wagner (2000)
Parish Finance: Best Practices in Church Management by Michael J. Castrilli and Charles E. Zech (2016)
Parish Priest: Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism by Douglas Brinkley and Julie M. Fenster (2007)
Pastoral Visitation: For the Care of Souls by Tyler C. Arnold (2023)
People Get Ready: Ritual, Solidarity, and Lived Ecclesiology in Catholic Roxbury by Susan Bigelow Reynolds (2023)
Preach What You Believe: Timeless Homilies for Deacons: Liturgical Cycle B by Deacon Michael Bulson (2005)
Preaching in the Sunday Assembly: A Pastoral Commentary on Fulfilled in Your Hearing by James A. Wallace (2010)
Preaching to the Converted: On Sundays and Feast Days throughout the Year by Richard Leonard SJ (2006)
Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart: Preaching on the Feasts and Within the Rites by James A. Wallace (2002)
Priestly Identity: A Study in the Theology of Priesthood by Fr. Thomas McGovern (2002)
Priests for the Third Millennium by Timothy M. Dolan (2000)
Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter by Michael White and Tom Corcoran (2013)
Reclaiming Our Priestly Character by Fr. David L. Toups (2010)
Remain in Me: Holy Orders, Prayer, and Ministry by James Keating (2019)
Spiritual Fathers: A Workbook for Priests and Dads by James Keating (2010)
Taking Your Parish From Good to Great: Best Practices in Parish Management by Charles E. Zech (2017)
Teach What You Believe: Timeless Homilies for Deacons: Liturgical Cycle A by Deacon Michael E. Bulson (2007)
The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor’s Heart by Harold L. Senkbeil (2019)
The Catholic Priest as Moral Teacher and Guide: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania, January 17-20, 1990 by Albert Vanhove, Pope Benedict XVI, and William E. May (1990)
The Catholic Priesthood: Biblical Foundations by Fr. Thomas J. Lane (2016)
The Creed: Group Reading Guides by Timothy O’Malley (2019)
The Deacon at Mass: A Theological and Pastoral Guide by William T. Ditewig (2013)
The Deacon Reader by James Keating (2006)
The Diary of a Country Priest: A Novel by Georges Bernanos (1936)
The Diocesan Priest: Consecrated and Sent by Monsignor David Bohr (2009)
The Forgotten Language: How Recovering the Poetics of the Mass Will Change Our Lives by Michael Rennier
The Lector: Effective Delivery of the Word by Mary Lyons (2000)
The Lost Art of Walking on Water: Reimagining the Priesthood by Michael Heher (2004)
The Priest Is Not His Own by Fulton J. Sheen (2004)
The Priest in Union with Christ by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange (1952)
The Priest: The Man of God by Joseph Cafasso (2009)
The Priestly Office: A Theological Reflection by Avery Dulles (1997)
The Priests We Need to Save the Church by Kevin Wells (2019)
The Rebuilt Field Guide: Ten Steps for Getting Started (A Rebuilt Parish Book) by Michael White and Tom Corcoran (2016)
The Sacristy Manual, Second Edition by G. Thomas Ryan (2011)
Those Mysterious Priests by Fulton J. Sheen (1974)
To Light a Fire on the Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age by Robert Barron and John L. Allen Jr. (2017)
Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better by Micheal White and Tom Corcoran (2013)
Transforming Parish Communications: Growing the Church Through New Media by Scot Landry (2014)
Unlocking Your Parish: Making Disciples, Raising Up Leaders with Alpha by Ron Huntley and Father James Mallon (2019)
Welcome All as Christ: Reimagining Parish Hospitality (Contemporary Topics in Parish Leadership) by John T. Kyler (2022)
You’ve Got This: A Pep Talk for Church Communicators by Kelley Hartnett (2017)