Apps are listed in the order in which they are added. Newly added apps will appear at the top of the category. Apps will not be alphabetical order.
English: Social Media
Docat App
English: Educational
Catholic Answers Live
Institute of Catholic Culture (Institute of Catholic Culture)
Catholic Knowledge (David Roth)
The Catholic Game: A Test of Theology & History (JP Brown, 2012)
Catholic Saints Quiz (Catholic Game) (PetProject)
Catholic Trivia (OPAU Applications)
Catholic Catechism Trivia (OPAU Applications)
Catholic Bible Trivia (OPAU Applications)
Cuanto Sabes de la Biblia (Alexander Menjivar)
Trivial Bíblico 2 (Creapps Utilities)
5000 Preguntas sobre la Biblia (The city of the apps)
English: Recreational & Entertainment
Catholic Wallpapers
Formed: The Catholic Faith On Demand (Augustine Institute, Inc)
Roman Catholic Church Escape (Ponaragan R)
Bible Word Search – Free Word Find Puzzle Fun (Agents of Tech)
Bible Crush (AC Company)
Bible Coloring-Paint by Number, Free Bible Games (
A Journey Towards Jesus (
English: Resourceful & Multi-Purpose
Catholic Saints
The Magellan
Mini Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Mary Our Help: Catholic Prayers and Resources
Catholic Mass Times
Catholic Mega App
Word on Fire Digital: Bishop Barron’s Streaming App (Word on Fire Catholic Ministries)
EWTN: EWTN Global Catholic Network (EWTN Religious Catalogue, Inc)
Word Among Us Mass Edition (The Word Among Us)
Catholic Calendar (Universalis Publishing)
Bible Verse Search (tap4joy)
Catholic Answers Live (Catholic Answers)
Catholic Doctrine And Bible References (MycatholicApp)
Catholic Daily Missal Hymns, Benediction, Missal (MycatholicApp)
myParish-Catholic Life (Diocesan Publications)
English: Prayers & Spiritual Nourishment
Novena Prayers
Divine Mercy Audio
Watch and Pray
Scared Space: Your Daily Prayer Online
Divine Office
Universalis: Readings at Mass
Catholic Exorcism (St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal)
Reimagining the Examen
Holy Catholic Bible
3-Minute Retreat (Loyola Press)
Catholic Rosary (Adrian Casanova)
Lux Catholic: Let Her Be Light (Lux)
Catholic Prayers: Official (Reeba Sebastian)
Amen: Calm Catholic Meditation (Augustine Institute, Inc)
Hallow: Catholic Meditation (Hallow, Inc)
My Catholic Life! (My Catholic Life!)
Pray Catholic Novena Prayers (Devoted Coders)
Catholic Prayers Offline (zero9erz)
Holy Rosary with Audio Offline (Free Version) (
Powerful Prayers: Catholic (FloApps Inc)
Mary Our Help-Catholic Prayers & Resources (MOH)
Pray by Day (The Sword of the Spirit)
Pray Together (Pray Together)
PrayerMate (Discipleship Tech)
Best Catholic Prayer Book (AVS Apps)
Multilingual Apps:
iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta HD
iPieta (iVerbum)
Magnificat App
Missio (Little iApps, LLC)
Laudate (Aycka Soft)
Rosary Pro (Pablo Romeu)
The Pope App (Pontifical Council for Social Communications)
Duetsch Apps:
Katholische Bibel Deutsch (Igor Apps)
Français Apps:
Bible Catholique gratuite (The Bible)
Catholic French-English Bible (JaqerSoft)
La Bible Catholique (Igor Apps)
Catholic Bible in Portuguese (, Particular)
Catholic Prayers in Portuguese – Audio (eAppsPro)
Holy Rosary with Portuguese (JAM Developer)
Portuguese Catholic Bible (everdreamspirit)
Telugu Catholic Bible – Audio, Readings, Prayers (Jeevadhara)
Konkani Catholic Bible (Jesus Youth)