These fictional characters do not all represent good examples of the Roman Catholic faith and practicing Catholics. GCRC does not personally promote nor condone the behavior of any of the characters listed. Many of the characters listed here falsely represent the beliefs, practices, and ideals of the Catholic Church for entertainment, popular culture, or political purposes. Those looking for inspirational Catholics or good examples of Catholic behavior and beliefs should research saints of the Roman Catholic Church.
Abuela Alma Madrigal (Encanto)
Abuelita (Coco)
Adriana La Cerva (The Sopranos)
Aisling (Derry Girls)
Anna Ferron (The Apparition)
Anthony “A.J.” John Soprano Junior (The Sopranos)
Anthony “Tony” John Soprano (The Sopranos)
Aramis (The Three Musketeers)
Arthur “Artie” Bucco Jr. (The Sopranos)
August Boatwright (The Secret Life of Bees)
Aunt Linda (The Wish, Nicholas Sparks)
Aunt Sarah (Derry Girls)
Averill (Black Death)
Bernadette Rostenkowski (The Big Bang Theory)
Betty Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Bishop Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel (Les Misèrables)
Bishop Jean Marie Latour (Death Comes for the Archbishop)
Br. Gawain (Knightfall)
Br. Landry du Lauzon (Knightfall)
Br. Osmund (Black Death)
Br. Osmund (Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire)
Br. Pierre (Knightfall)
Br. Tancrede de Hautville (Knightfall)
Br. Ulric (Knightfall)
Bridget (The Gilded Age)
Bridgette McCarthy (Father Brown)
Brother Cadfael (The Cadfael Chronicles)
Cardinal Andrew Dussolier (The Young Pope)
Cardinal Angelo Voiello (The Young Pope)
Cardinal Caltanissetta (The Young Pope)
Cardinal Lamberto (The Godfather III)
Cardinal Mario Assente (The Young Pope)
Cardinal Michael Spencer (The Young Pope)
Carmela Soprano (The Sopranos)
Catherine (Belfast)
Cathy Dunne (The Miracle Club)
Charmaine Bucco (The Sopranos)
Chester Jones (Saint Ralph)
Chrissie (The Miracle Club)
Christopher Moltisanti (The Sopranos)
Claire Collins (Saint Ralph)
Clare Devlin (Derry Girls)
Conor Larkin (Trinity)
Conor MacManus (Boondock Saints)
Cornelius Nolan (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn)
Corrado “Junior” John Soprano Jr (The Sopranos)
D’Artagnan (The Three Musketeers)
Da Gerry (Derry Girls)
Daniel Fitzgerald “Danny” Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Don Camillo (Don Camillo and Peppone)
Don Tommaso Viglietti (The Young Pope)
Doyle Lonnegan (The Sting)
Dr. Dana Katherine Scully (The X-Files)
Eileen Dunne (The Miracle Club)
Eillis Lace (Brooklyn)
Ella Lopez (Lucifer)
Erin Quinn (Derry Girls)
Erin Reagan-Boyle (Blue Bloods)
Esther (The Young Pope)
Eugenio The Priest (Luca)
Father Alvito (Shogun)
Father Brown (Father Brown)
Father Charles “Chuck” O’Malley (Going My Way)
Father Dermot Byrne (The Miracle Club)
Father Des Spellacy (True Confessions)
Father Dougal McGuire (Father Ted)
Father Fitzpatrick (Saint Ralph)
Father Flood (Brooklyn)
Father Francis Chisholm (The Keys of the Kingdom)
Father Gabriel (The Mission)
Father George Hibbert (Saint Ralph)
Father Imperius the Monk (Ladyhawke)
Father Jack Hackett (Father Ted)
Father James Lavelle (Calvary)
Father Joseph Vaillant (Death Comes for the Archbishop)
Father Kent (Disney’s Haunted Mansion)
Father Noel Furlong (Father Ted)
Father Raymond (Assassin’s Creed)
Father Richard “Dick” Byrne (Father Ted)
Father Ted Crilly (Father Ted)
Feech La Manna (The Sopranos)
Flor Moreno (Spanglish)
Fr. Daniel Barry (Stella Days)
Fr. Kieran O’Connell (The Originals)
Fr. Monaghan (The Big Wedding)
Fr. Peter (Derry Girls)
Fr. Phil Intintola (The Sopranos)
Fr. Sebastião Rodrigues (Silence)
Fr. Stan Mayer (Major Crimes)
Francis “Frank” Xavier Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Frankie Fiorello (Brooklyn)
Friar Tuck (Robin Hood)
Geraldine Devlin (Derry Girls)
Giacomo “Jackie” Aprile Sr. (The Sopranos)
Giacomo “Jackie Jr.” Michael Aprile Jr. (The Sopranos)
Giovanni Francis “Johnny Boy” Soprano (The Many Saints of Newark)
Giulietta “Giulia” Marcovaldo (Luca)
Giuseppina Moltisanti (The Many Saints of Newark)
Gloria Maria Ramirez Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Granda Joe (Derry Girls)
Grandmaster Jacques de Molay (Knightfall)
Henry Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie)
Inspector Gerry Mallory (Father Brown)
Jack Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Jacques Saunière (The Da Vinci Code)
Jameson “Jamie” Reagan (Blue Bloods)
James “Jamie” Fraser (Outlander)
James Maguire (Derry Girls)
James “Jimmy” “The Gent” Conway (Goodfellas)
Janice Baccalieri Soprano (The Sopranos)
Jean Valjean (Les Misérables)
Jenny Joyce (Derry Girls)
Jim Farrell (Brooklyn)
Joanne Moltisanti (The Many Saints of Newark, The Sopranos)
Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
John “Johnny Sack” Sacrimoni (The Sopranos)
Josiah Edward “Jed” Bartlet (West Wing)
June Boatwright (The Secret Life of Bees)
Kelli Lombardo Moltisanti (The Sopranos)
Lady Cordelia Flyte (Brideshead Revisited)
Lady Theresa Marchmain (Brideshead Revisited)
Lenny Belardo: Pope Pius XIII (The Young Pope)
Lily Fox (The Miracle Club)
Linda Rose Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Livia Soprano (The Sopranos)
Luther Krank (Christmas with the Kranks)
Ma Mary (Derry Girls)
Madame Baptistine Myriel (Les Misérables)
Madame Magloire (Les Misérables)
Maddie Fitzpatrick (The Suite Life of Zack & Cody)
Madonna Soto (The Big Wedding)
Marcus White (Superstore)
Mary Francis Nolan (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn)
Master-Brother Berenger (Knightfall)
Master Godfrey Marcel de Caux (Knightfall)
Master Talus (Knightfall)
Matthew de Clermont (All Souls)
Maurizio Fiorello (Brooklyn)
Meadow Mariangela Soprano (The Sopranos)
Melissa Schemmenti (Abbot Elementary)
Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
Michael “Matt” “Daredevil” Murdock (Marvel Series)
Michelle Mallon (Derry Girls)
Miguel Rivera (Coco)
Miss Clavel (Madeline)
Monsignor Gutierrez (The Young Pope)
Monsignor Seamus Fargo (True Confessions)
Mother Joseph (Change of Habit)
Mother Mary Stigmata (The Blues Brothers)
Mrs. Doyle (Father Ted)
Murphy MacManus (Boondock Saints)
Nicky Reagan-Boyle (Blue Bloods)
Nora Krank (Christmas with the Kranks)
Nurse Alice (Saint Ralph)
Olivier “Lion” Flament (Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege)
Orla McCool (Derry Girls)
Otsu (Deep River)
Parsifal (Knightfall)
Peter Löwenbräu Griffin Sr. (Family Guy)
Philip “Phil” Leotardo (The Sopranos)
Philippe de Clermont (All Souls)
Phillipe “The Mouse” Gaston (Ladyhawke)
Pilar Ramirez (Modern Family)
Prime Minister of Greenland (The Young Pope)
Prior Philip (The Pillars of the Earth)
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Ralph Walker (Saint Ralph)
Richard “Dickie” Moltisanti (The Sopranos, The Many Saints of Newark)
Robert “Bobby Bacala” Baccalieri (The Sopranos)
Rodrigo Mendoza (The Mission)
Rosalie Aprile (The Sopranos)
Rose Lacey (Brooklyn)
Salvatore “Big Pussy” Bonpensiero (The Sopranos)
Sarah Miles (The End of the Affair)
Sean Daley (The Last Templar)
Sean Reagan (Blue Bloods)
Seikichi (Kiku’s Prayer)
Señor Flores (Encanto)
Sharon Raydor (Major Crimes)
Silvio Manfred Dante (The Sopranos)
Siobhan McClure (Holy Cross)
Sister Alice (The Miracle Club)
Sister Anne (Knightfall)
Sister Barbara (Change of Habit)
Sister Berthe (The Sound of Music)
Sister George Michael (Derry Girls)
Sister Irene (Change of Habit)
Sister Margaretta (The Sound of Music)
Sister Mary (The Young Pope)
Sister Mary Benedict (Going My Way)
Sister Sandrine (The Da Vinci Code)
Sister Suree (The Young Pope)
The Blue Fairy/Mother Superior (Once Upon A Time)
The “Whiskey” Priest (The Power and the Glory)
Thomas “Tom” Branson (Downton Abbey)
Tom Builder (The Pillars of the Earth)
Tony Fiorello (Brooklyn)
Uncle Colm (Derry Girls)
Vasco Rodrigues (Shogun)
Vito Spatafore Sr. (The Sopranos)
Waleran Bigod (The Pillars of the Earth)
William of Baskerville (The Name of the Rose)
Wyatt Price (Man in the High Castle)
Ysabeau de Clermont (All Souls)
Please note that this list does not contain all of the primary and secondary schools in the United States, but only institutions that GCRC believes have consistently remained rooted in the Roman Catholic faith and are not “Catholic” in name only. If you have reason to believe that an academic institution on this list is not carrying out, practicing, or committed to the Roman Catholic faith, please email GCRC immediately. GCRC does not condone or promote the actions of these colleges and universities. GCRC does not take responsibility for the users’ satisfaction or experience with the following academic institutions.
Highly-Ranked Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools in the United States:
Resources Updated this Week: English
-Catholic Media & Culture: Films & Television
-Digital Library, Resourceful Websites: Shopping Websites
-For Parents & Guardians: Instructional & Self-Help Books for Parents
-Adults & Teens: Church Politics & Social Issues
-Adults & Teens: Books for Women
-Returning/New Catholicism: Returning to the Faith
-Adults & Teens: Spiritual Enrichment & Food for Thought
-Returning/New Catholicism: All About Catholicism
-Religious Life and Vocations: Literary Titles & Books
-Catholic Apologetics: Catholic Apologetics: Literature
-Books on Marriage and Relationships
-Church Clergy & Laity: Youth Formation & Ministry
New Resources Posted this Week: English
-Books on Catholic Education (Located Under Schools & Education)
Catechismi: Studio e Comprensione della Bibbia
Breve introduzione al catechismo della Chiesa cattolica di Benedetto XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) e Christoph Schönborn (1994)
Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica. Testo integrale. Nuovo commento teologico-pastorale di Rino Fisichella (2017)
Catechismo della Dottrina Cristiana: La Fede che salva e non tramonta di San Pio X (2021)
Chi e’ Maria?: Catechismo mariano di P. Gabriele Maria Roschini (2017)
Fede e vita del cristiano dal Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica di Ettore Malnati (2020)
Intoduccion a la Biblia: Una guia catolica para el estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras di Stephan J. Binz (2008)
L’importanza dei sacramenti nella Chiesa cattolica di Barnabas Shabayang (2020)
Le sorgenti della nostra fede: Liturgia e sacramenti nel catechismo della Chiesa cattolica di Christoph Schönborn (1998)
Libere riflessioni a partire dal Compendio del Catechismo: 1 – Il Credo di Alberto Strumia (2021)
Manzoni e la Bibbia. Fonti bibliche nelle «Osservazioni sulla morale cattolica» di Gianfranco Ravasi Monsignore (2016)
Narraciones Baiblicas (Estudio Biblico Catolico De Libros Liguori) di William Angor Anderson e Lucas Teixeira (2015)
Scandalosa Misericordia: Quando Dio supera ogni limite di Suor Emmanuel Maillard (2019)
Scoprirsi Figli di Dio – Catechesi sul Padre Nostro di Papa Francesco (2019)
Libri per Fondamenti del Cattolicesimo:
Catechesi sul credo: Beato don Francesco Bonifacio di M. Ravalico (2022)
Il Credo commentato dai Padri. Vol. 1 – Crediamo in un solo Dio di AA.VV e Città Nuova (2020)
Il Credo commentato dai Padri. Vol. 2 – Crediamo in un solo Signore Gesù Cristo di Città Nuova (2021)
Il Credo commentato dai Padri. Vol. 3 – Crediamo nel Signore Crocifisso e risorto di Città Nuova (2021)
Il Credo commentato dai Padri. Vol.5 – Crediamo nella Chiesa una santa cattolica e apostolica di Città Nuova (2022)
Il Credo commentato dai Padri. Vol.4 – Crediamo nello Spirito Santo di Città Nuova (2022)
Il Credo: L’antico simbolo della nostra fede di Stefano Biavaschi Fede & Cultura (2020)
Il credo spiegato ai cristiani un po’ scettici di Luis González-Carvajal (2021)
L’essenziale per la vita del cristiano. Preghiere e verità della Chiesa Cattolica di P. Principe (2006)
La Chiesa cattolica: Dove tutte le verità si danno appuntamento di Gilbert Keith (2015)
Le verità di fede: Tutti i dogmi e le dichiarazioni dottrinali della Chiesa Cattolica di Giovanni Cavalcoli (2021)
Mi alzerò e andrò da mio Padre! Preparazione al sacramento della confessione di Angelo Comastri (2015)
Papa Francesco e la storia della Chiesa di Anna Carfora e Antonio Iannello (2019)
Spegazione del Credo di Rufino di Aquileia (2021)
Introduzione alla Preghiere:
Benediciamo il Signore: Preghiere per la mensa di Terra Santa (2021)
Come recitare il Santo Rosario di Velar (2015)
Come si fa la preghiera di guarigione interiore e fisica di Stanzione Marcello e Leonardi Giovanni Maria (2020)
Come si fa la preghiera di intercessione di Stanzione Marcello e Leonardi Giovanni Marie (2020)
Corona dei sette dolori di Maria di Giuseppe Giulino (2021)
E non abbandonarci alla tentazione di Achille Morabito (2021)
Il profumo buono per ogni giorno – La preghiera del laico di Azione Cattolica Italiana (2021)
Il Santo Rosario con Padre Pio di Donato Calabrese (2013)
Il Rosario: Un viaggio che ti cambia la vita di Suor Emmanuel Maillard (2018)
Il tesoro della Chiesa – Libretto di preghiera di Oliveri Serena (2021)
Insegnaci a pregare: Un’introduzione alla preghiera di James Martin (2022)
La Miracolosa Novena Del Rosario Di 54 Giorni a Nostra Signora di Christopher Hellenbeck (2020)
La Vergine del Silenzio di Emiliano Antenucci (2022)
Le Litanie di San Giuseppe di Pio Della Valentina (2021)
Le mie preghiere di ogni giorno di Paoline Edizioni (2021)
Le Preghiere della tradizione Cristiana (Collana Spirituale Vol. 18) di Giacobbe Elia (2012)
Mendicanti di Dio: Catechesi sulla preghiera di Papa Francesco (2021)
Meditando la passione di Gesù: Trenta piccole meditazioni e un «quaderno» per la riflessione personale di Angelo Comastri (2018)
Padre Nostro di Alessandro Deho (2022)
Piccola scuola di preghiera: La vita spirituale di Anselm Grün (2018)
Piena di grazia: Preghiere e devozioni alla Vergine Maria di Saverio Gaeta (2017)
Preghiere per la Celebrazione Eucaristica di Chirico (2020)
«Rendiamo grazie al Signore nostro Dio» – La Preghiera eucaristica, modello della preghiera cristiana di Loris Della Pietra e Gianni Cavagnoli (2022)
Riti di famiglia – Gesti e preghiere della vita quotidiana di Paoline Edizioni (2020)
Please note: This list does not contain all of the colleges and universities in the designated locations, but only institutions that are the most selective in their admissions process and are not “Catholic” in name only.
If you have reason to believe that an academic institution on this list is not carrying out, practicing, or committed to the Roman Catholic faith, please email GCRC immediately. GCRC does not condone or promote the actions of these colleges and universities. GCRC does not take responsibility for the users’ satisfaction or experience with the following academic institutions.
Last Updated: November 2023
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: Canada
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: France
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: Italia (Italy)
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: Nederland (Netherlands)
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: Portugal
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: United Kingdom
Highly-Ranked Catholic Colleges & Universities: United States of America