A Note From Thomas McKenna:
(Founder & President of Catholic Action for Faith and Family)
Due to aging and declining numbers, many priests are either overworked or struggling with being turned into functionaries, having to implement secular rules imposed on them and their people during this pandemic, which have driven divisions into their own communities.
On the larger scale of the Church, even more divisions abound, the pagan culture runs roughshod over religious instruction and practice, churches are being burned down, and the voice of the enemy echoes off the very walls of our Church. Inside the Church, it seems as though the priests who uphold orthodoxy are the ones getting ostracized and disciplined while the dissenters run rampant over Church doctrine with impunity.
The priests and religious have a vital mission of saving souls, and that mission is being encumbered at every turn today. Where will we be a generation from now if we don’t have competent and zealous sacred vocations to serve our Church?
It is our duty to be the Faithful Echo of the Church’s traditional esteem for its own religious who sacrifice their lives for the good of the flock – for us! Remember: no priest, no Eucharist. No religious, no religious instruction and encouragement.